Traditional PR

Using traditional PR to raise credibility

For businesses new and old, there is a holy grail of marketing. Positive PR. Even better, natural positive PR as a direct result of the groundwork put in place by your team. Today, marketing professionals must straddle a line between social media, advertising in print or digital, creating topical and engaging press releases, maintaining close…

The ‘New Normal’ For Social Media

Before the global pandemic, social media was being labelled as an addiction to millennials. The media was filled with ‘social media detox’ tips, telling consumers it is bad for their mental and physical health and is to blame for the depression rates rising. However, in 2020 everything changed for social media (just one of the…

New year, new strategy: Trends to look out for in 2019

Public relations campaigns are well-proven means of attracting and retaining audiences to your brand through consistent messaging and ethos promotions. The lines between marketing and public relations continue to blur as we enter 2019; many emerging trends cross multiple defined strategies, take a look and see which could bring the greatest impact to your business.…